Viewing: grubinst_switches.txt

        --help,-h               Show usage information

        --pause                 Pause before exiting

        --version               Show version information

        --verbose,-v            Verbose output

        --list-part,-l          List all logical partitions in DEVICE_OR_FILE

        --save=FN,-s=FN         Save the orginal MBR/BS to FN

        --restore=FN,-r=FN      Restore MBR/BS from previously saved FN

        --restore-prevmbr,-r    Restore previous MBR saved in the second sector
                                of DEVICE_OR_FILE

        --read-only,-t          do everything except the actual write to the
                                specified DEVICE_OR_FILE. (test mode)

        --no-backup-mbr         do not copy the old MBR to the second sector of

        --force-backup-mbr      force the copy of old MBR to the second sector
                                of DEVICE_OR_FILE.(default)

        --mbr-enable-floppy     enable the search for GRLDR on floppy.(default)

        --mbr-disable-floppy    disable the search for GRLDR on floppy.

        --mbr-enable-osbr       enable the boot of PREVIOUS MBR with invalid
                                partition table (usually an OS boot sector).

        --mbr-disable-osbr      disable the boot of PREVIOUS MBR with invalid
                                partition table (usually an OS boot sector).

        --duce                  disable the feature of unconditional entrance
                                to the command-line.

        --boot-prevmbr-first    try to boot PREVIOUS MBR before the search for

        --boot-prevmbr-last     try to boot PREVIOUS MBR after the search for

        --preferred-drive=D     preferred boot drive number, 0 <= D < 255.

        --preferred-partition=P preferred partition number, 0 <= P < 255.

        --time-out=T,-t=T       wait T seconds before booting PREVIOUS MBR. if
                                T is 0xff, wait forever. The default is 5.

        --hot-key=K,-k=K        if the desired key K is pressed, start GRUB
                                before booting PREVIOUS MBR. K is a word
                                value, just as the value in AX register
                                returned from int16/AH=1. The high byte is the
                                scan code and the low byte is ASCII code. The
                                default is 0x3920 for space bar.

        --key-name=S            Specify the name of the hot key.

        --floppy,-f             if DEVICE_OR_FILE is floppy, use this option.

        --floppy=N              if DEVICE_OR_FILE is a partition on a hard
                                drive, use this option. N is used to specify
                                the partition number: 0,1,2 and 3 for the
                                primary partitions, and 4,5,6,... for the
                                logical partitions.

        --sectors-per-track=S   specifies sectors per track for --floppy.
                                1 <= S <= 63, default is 63.

        --heads=H               specifies number of heads for --floppy.
                                1 <= H <= 256, default is 255.

        --start-sector=B        specifies hidden sectors for --floppy=N.

        --total-sectors=C       specifies total sectors for --floppy.
                                default is 0.

        --lba                   use lba mode for --floppy. If the floppy BIOS
                                has LBA support, you can specify --lba here.
                                It is assumed that all floppy BIOSes have CHS
                                support. So you would rather specify --chs.
                                If neither --chs nor --lba is specified, then
                                the LBA indicator(i.e., the third byte of the
                                boot sector) will not be touched.

        --chs                   use chs mode for --floppy. You should specify
                                --chs if the floppy BIOS does not support LBA.
                                We assume all floppy BIOSes have CHS support.
                                So it is likely you want to specify --chs.
                                If neither --chs nor --lba is specified, then
                                the LBA indicator(i.e., the third byte of the
                                boot sector) will not be touched.

        --install-partition=I   Install the boot record onto the boot area of
        -p=I                    partition number I of the specified hard drive
                                or harddrive image DEVICE_OR_FILE.

        --boot-file=F,-b=F      Change the name of boot file.

        --load-seg=S            Change load segment for boot file.

        --grub2,-2              Load grub2 kernel g2ldr instead of grldr.

        --output,-o             Save embeded grldr.mbr to DEVICE_OR_FILE.

        --edit,-e               Edit external grldr/grldr.mbr.

        --skip-mbr-test         Skip chs validity test in mbr.

        --no-copy-bpb           Don't copy bpb of the first partition to mbr.