Viewing: Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions 1.0.txt
Name of release: Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions 1.0 (Tandy
System Disk)
Released by: Joseph11
Uploaded by: MikeRS
File Type: RAR
Image Type: Cue-Sheets
Release Notes: This operating system is in the MWIN directory of the
CD, all you need to do is install DOS and run the setup file. This
operating system is like the original Windows 3.0 with some add-ons
that make it look slightly like Windows 3.1. It is faster and more
stable the the original Windows 3.0 and might be compatible with more
applications. This release has the Microsoft MusicBox, an early CD
player, not found in any other Windows version, to my knowledge. This
was designed for a Tandy Sound Board, so when you run the setup, make
sure you select no soundcard.