Viewing: Filelist.txt

DEC Windows User Notes                                            August 1988

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The files included on these three disks are:

WINDOW3.ARC  (Useful MS-Windows programs -- These versions are no longer sold).

   WRITE.EXE          MS-Windows Write... WYSIWYG word processor... nice.
   PAINT.EXE          MS-Windows Paint... Drawing program... nice.
   MSW-ART1.ARC       Sample Paint clip art file. 
   VANNA.MSP          Sample Paint picture.
   WINDOWS.WRI        Sample Write file...lists Windows compatible programs.

   WINDRV.ARC         For techies... these are the individual drivers (less
                      the MS-mouse driver) for DEC Windows, but are only
                      provided as a curiosity, because without the SET-UP disk,
                      which is not available here, you cannot do anything
                      with these files.

WINDOW1.ARC  (everything you need, including Microsoft mouse and LA50 drivers)    

   WIN.COM       Start up program.
   WIN.INI       Adaptable Windows Initialization file.
   WIN100.BIN    File containing applicable drivers (incl. mouse driver).
   WIN100.OVL    Overlay file for Windows start up program.
   WINOLDAP.GRB  Display driver file.
   WINOLDAP.MOD  Another display driver file.

   LA50.DRV      LA-50 Printer Driver

   TMSRA.FON     Fonts for Windows WRITE and PAINT.
   COURA.FON       "
   HELVA.FON       "
   MODERN.FON      "
   ROMAN.FON       "

   USERNOTE.1    User Notes, August 1988     

WINDOW2.ARC  (Useful utility programs -- from pub. dom., shareware, & Microsoft)

   FILELIST.WIN       This file.

   SPOOLER.EXE        MS-Windows print spooler. 
   RAMDRIVE.SYS       MS-Windows ram disk (see Config.sys below to invoke).
   CONFIG.SYS         Sample config.sys fileto invoke ramdrive.sys (and another
                         sample command to increase the DOS environmental
                         space--by 62x16 bytes--...if you wanna!).
   CONTROL.EXE        MS-Windows program to choose fonts,ports,colors,etc.
   MSDOS.EXE          MS-Windows program to push to a new DOS shell.

   BALLOON.ARC        Sort of interesting (more interesting on IBM/EGA monitor)  
   BROW16.ARC         Shareware file viewing program ver.1.6
   BLOWUP.EXE         Make little pixels into very big pixels.
   CALENPOP.EXE       Pop up calendar.      
   CRUMBLE.EXE        Novelty program to "crumble" your display.
   CUBE.EXE           Look at a turning cube.
   DIGCLOCK.EXE       The time in an icon.
   FISH.EXE           An aquarium in your monitor.
   FONTDEMO.EXE       What do your fonts look like.
   FREEMEM.EXE        How much memory is left.
   FUSE.EXE           Lots of line patterns.
   GLOBE.EXE          What time is it in Paris.
   MANDALA.ARC        More line patterns.
   MOLE.EXE           Silly novelty program.
   PALETTE.EXE        All the shades available under Windows.
   PUZZLE.EXE         Brain teaser.
   SLAPJR.EXE         Capture a Windows screen and put in a document.
   STARBASE.EXE       Practice Star Wars technology.
   SLUG.EXE           Another silly novelty program.
   WAM101.ARC         Menuing program (really for Ver. 2.0, but it works)
   WEB.EXE            Another line drawing program for use with mouse.

   CALC.EXE           MS-Windows calculator.
   CALENDAR.EXE       MS-Windows calendar.
   CARDFILE.EXE       MS-Windows cardfile.
   CLIPBRD.EXE        MS-Windows cut and paste between programs utility.
   MSCLOCK.EXE        MS-Windows CLOCK.EXE renamed to suit the Rainbow.
   NOTEPAD.EXE        MS-Windows notepad.
   REVERSI.EXE        MS-Windows game.
   TERMINAL.EXE       MS-Windows terminal program (does not seem to work).
   DECTERMR.FON       VT-100 terminal fonts for DEC Windows.